Logbook – day 29 by ITZIAR

Hola a todos desde aguas del Pacifico abordo de Noumene…
The adventure is starting to see the light in your home. Estas ultimas semanas el Ocèano Pacìfico nos està regalando unas buenas condiciones, disfrutando de cada relevo, surfeando y jugando con las olas y el viento, lo que se traslada en una gran sonrisa en nuestras caras y un chute de energìa para continuar con la aventura.
The moon is growing and the stars are being seen…allowing us to notice only the light of the moon (without the light of the boat); this is translated into a unique and unforgettable feeling.
Por otro lado, ya ha pasado casi un mes y la vida en el barco es como el flow del swell, hay veces que estas en la cresta de la ola cargada de buenos momentos y, otras veces, en el valle de misma cargado de no tan buenos momentos. Por lo que necesitas coger un poco de aire y pensar en positivo para poder seguir adelante y no caer en lo negativo. En mi caso, sigo un ejercicio muy sencillo que consiste en pensar en tres cosas, situaciones o vivencias positivas al final del dia, cuando me tumbo en la cama. También, durante el relevo de la noche, saco lo positivo del mismo al volver a la cama. Es algo sencillo que me ayuda a mantener una actitud optimista durante el desafìo; ya que el cansancio,la convivencia y el tiempo va haciendo mella. Pero con estas pequeñas tècnicas mentales hacen que te mantengas positivo y con energia.
Me gustarìa acabar esta carta con una cita de Winston Churchill: “Los pesimistas encuentran una dificultad en cada oportunidad. Los OPTIMISTAS encuentran una oportunidad en cada dificultad”.
Un abrazo a todos.
Itzi – Waterwoman
French translation
Hello to all from the waters of the Pacific aboard Noumène…
The adventure begins to glimpse its equator. These last weeks, the Pacific Ocean offers us good conditions, we enjoy each relay, we surf and play with the waves and the wind, which translates into a big smile on our faces and a renewed energy to continue the adventure.
The moon rises and the stars appear… which allows us to paddle with the only moonlight (without the light of the boat); which translates into a unique and incomparable sensation.
On the other hand, almost a month has passed and life on the boat is like the flow of the swell, there are times when you are on the crest of the wave full of good times and other times in the valley of the wave full of not so good times. You need to take a breath of fresh air and think positive to be able to move forward and not fall into negativity. In my case, I follow a very simple exercise that consists of thinking of three positive things, situations or experiences at the end of the day, when I lie in bed. Also, during the night, I only remember the positive when I go back to bed. It’s a simple thing that helps me keep an optimistic attitude during the challenge, as fatigue, cohabitation and time take their toll. But with these little mental techniques, you stay positive and energized.
I would like to end this letter with a quote from Winston Churchill: “Pessimists find difficulty in every opportunity. OPTIMISTS find opportunity in every difficulty”.
Best regards to you all.
Itziar – Waterwoman

Help us keep the Super Optimist program alive

Make a donation by purchasing the expedition miles!

1 Km = 100 euros *

or free donations!

For example: by giving 100* euros my donation is divided as follows

*60 € dedicated to the Super Optimist program (sick children) and educational programs of prevention of health sports in schools + 40 € dedicated to the sports, medical and scientific expedition.