Article 1 – Definition and conditions of the contest
The association HOPE TEAM EAST is an association recognized of general interest, whose head office is 184 chemin de Martichot – 40 510 SEIGNOSSE, chaired by Mrs. Stéphanie GEYER BARNEIX and having as SIRET number 819 528 035 00036.
The association organizes a contest “PADDLING FOR CHILDREN – Try to win a reporter mission” as part of a fundraising operation in favor of the CAP OPTIMIST expedition (attempt to cross the Pacific Ocean on a paddleboard).
It is specified that the contest is developed and managed by the association HOPE TEAM EAST, thanks to the endowment of the project partners: AIR TAHITI NUI, Manava Beach Resort Group and Intercontinental Tahiti Group.
This document is the rules of the contest. It may be supplemented and/or modified at any time during the duration of the game, by any additional clause that will come into force by the mere fact of its publication online by the association HOPE TEAM EAST.
The HOPE TEAM EAST association is also referred to hereinafter as: “HOPE TEAM EAST, the Organizer, the Organizing Company, the Organizers, the Professional.
The “Participant” in the contest is also referred to hereinafter as “the Participant, the User, the Contributor, the Player”.
The “Winner” in the drawing is hereinafter also referred to as the “Winner”.
Article 2 – Conditions of participation
This game is open to anyone who meets the following cumulative conditions:
- Natural person of legal age (no legal entity such as a company, association or foundation can be entered in the draw)
- Residing in metropolitan France
- having purchased at least 1 km (100 €) or more
The HOPE TEAM EAST association will proceed, within the limits of the means at its disposal, to the verification of the respect of these criteria. In the event that one of these criteria is not met, registration for the contest will not be validated.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the conditions of participation in accordance with the French Data Protection Act.
Multiple entries per individual are accepted throughout the contest period.
The contest is open for any purchase of one kilometer or more on the Hello Asso platform, during the project events. The payment of the km will be made by credit card, check or cash with the money going to the CAP OPTIMIST project.
Access to the contest is open to members of the board of directors, families of participants in the sports expedition who have purchased at least one km.
Article 3 – Competition dates
Starting date of the competition: July 05, 2022 at 18.00 (eighteen hours – Paris time)
End date of the competition: 01 December 2022 at 23.59 (twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes)
Date of the draw : 02 December 2022 from 18.30 during the CAP OPTIMIST conference – public conference at the Telethon of Hossegor in the Trinquet room (+live on the social networks of the association)
Winner Designation Date: December 02, 2022
Article 4 – Terms of participation
4.1) Conditions of application
In order to enter the draw and try to win the prize at stake in article 5, any participant must have performed the actions mentioned below:
- Buy one km or more to support the CAP OPTIMIST project
- Value of the km = 100 € (tax deductible)
If you do not wish to participate in the draw (having purchased at least one kilometer), you must notify HOPE TEAM EAST before the draw date.
Participation in the Contest will be valid only if the information required by HOPE TEAM EAST is complete and correct. Any entries made using incorrect or falsified information or via forged or falsified forms will be automatically disqualified from receiving any winning prize.
Each participant therefore undertakes to reveal correct information about him or herself. HOPE TEAM EAST is not responsible for the use of false names and/or surnames associated with a valid e-mail address, or for the impersonation of a third party.
The draw will be carried out either in the presence of a bailiff, or in the presence of 3 people named beforehand, members of the board of directors of the association and not having participated in the contest.
4.2) Guarantees and responsibility for the validity of applications
HOPE TEAM EAST reserves the right to cancel, terminate or modify this operation if it is not conducted in accordance with the stated purpose: any virus, bug, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, action of a competitor, technical problem or other cause beyond the control of HOPE TEAM EAST that corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or conduct.
In general, the Participants guarantee the Organizers of the present contest against any recourse, action or claim that could be made, in any capacity whatsoever, by any third party, in respect of all guarantees and commitments made.
Any incomplete or erroneous entry will be rejected, without the Organizer being held responsible.
All participants agree to respect the rules. Any failure to comply with the rules by the Participant and any fraud, abuse, cheating, misrepresentation will result in the exclusion of the Participant from the contest without the Organizer being held responsible.
Thus, the Organizing Body reserves the right without reserve to moderate after the fact and not to validate, to exclude, to delete from the contest, any participant who does not respect one of the conditions of the present rules.
In addition, in the event of abuse or cheating by one or more participants, HOPE TEAM EAST reserves the right to modify or terminate the contest without prior notice, particularly if the integrity of the contest is called into question.
4.3) Methods of drawing lots
The Winner will be determined by a random draw which will be made, on the date mentioned in the dedicated publication, from the database of people registered for the draws by the HOPE TEAM EAST association.
Article 5 – Prizes/batches
5.1) Commercial value of the endowments
The prize is offered by the association HOPE TEAM EAST in partnership with AIR TAHITI NUI, MANAVA BEACH RESORT and INTERCONTINENTAL Tahiti.
The details of the win are:
- 2 return tickets with Air Tahiti Nui Paris – Papeete (must travel at the same time)
- 6 nights in our partner hotels (3 nights in Moorea and 3 nights in Tahiti)
- Arrival party with the CAP OPTIMIST team (for both people)
- Transportation from Tahiti to Moorea by passenger ferry (possibility to rent a vehicle at your expense)
- Transfer from Papeete airport to Papeete ferry port of embarkation
- Transfer from the ferry port of arrival to the hotel
Not taken into account
- Routing to Paris CDG
- Possible travel expenses on site
- Meals and other personal expenses
Possibility to stay longer at your own expense (just confirm your desired return date)
The Participant selected at random will be designated as the Winner by the contest managers. It will be 1 and will win the mission of reporter.
HOPE TEAM EAST reserves the right to change the prize fund without notice. If this is the case, the value of the prize will be equivalent to or greater than the product replaced.
5.2/ Details of the reporting mission :
Your mission: to take us behind the scenes of a unique expedition to help sick children with cancer.
The arrival of our 6 waterwomen after 3 months of crossing far from their relatives and their family promises to be very charged in emotions… After the reunion, exchanges with children will be organized. It’s up to you to take us behind the scenes of this incredible sporting and solidarity expedition.
You will be present on the day of the arrival of the waterwomen in order to :
- Help us with the final preparations for the arrival
- Equipped with your smartphone, you will animate the live arrival of the expedition (more details soon but possibility to be on the beach of arrival or on board a zodiac of accompaniment) + interview of the rowers at the arrival
Before you leave:
A briefing will be organized before your departure for French Polynesia in order to define the framework of the mission, your needs, our expectations and to be sure that you have all the answers to your questions.
On site:
You will be coordinated by our expedition leader: Alexandra AMAND LE MOUEL
After the shipment
You will share your experience with the CAP OPTIMIST community via the communication media and events of the expedition
5.3) Terms of recovery, use and renewal
As provided for in Article 6, the Winner must contact the Organizing Company of the contest directly and comply with the terms of use defined.
The exact date on which the prize will be sent will therefore be defined later by the Professional and the Winner. The lot offered can not give rise to any dispute on their nature or the delivery of a consideration of any kind whatsoever.
Article 6 – Terms and conditions for awarding prizes
There will be only one endowment for a single individual.
Once the Winner has been designated by HOPE TEAM EAST, he/she must contact the company by email or telephone at
Agathe RODIER –
or 06 79 24 31 64
All email exchanges between the Organizer and the Winner will be stored in the Professional’s email box.
The Winner will be invited by return email to provide additional contact information (last name, first name, address, city, zip code, phone number, email address) to receive the prize. The winner will not be able to change the flight dates once the reservation has been confirmed by the contest partners.
If the information provided by the Participant is incomplete and/or does not allow him/her to be informed of his/her win, he/she will lose the status of Winner and will not be able to make any claim.
The Organizer cannot be held responsible for any technical malfunctions regarding this electronic prize notification. If the Winner does not provide this information within 10 days, he/she will lose his/her status as a Winner.
Article 7 – Nominative and personal data
By participating, Players authorize the Organizers to freely use for advertising or promotional purposes, whatever the medium, all personal information provided on their behalf and on all media.
The personal data collected about you is mandatory and necessary for the processing of your participation in the game. They are intended for the Organizers, or for subcontractors and/or service providers for management purposes.
In accordance with the regulations in force, the information collected is intended exclusively for the Organizers and will not be sold or transferred to third parties in any way whatsoever.
The information provided by the Participant is intended for use by HOPE TEAM EAST in connection with access to its service in accordance with the general terms of sale and in connection with the management of this game.
Any person is deemed to have read, understood and accepted, without reservation, the rules in their entirety, and in particular the article relating to personal data, as soon as they access and register for the competition.
Article 8 – Responsibilities and rights
The Organizers:
- Reserve the right to modify, extend, shorten, limit the winnings or cancel this game in case of force majeure as defined by the jurisprudence. Consequently, they cannot be held responsible for this fact.
- shall not be held responsible for the fraudulent use of a Participant’s connection rights or prize allocation.
- They are not responsible for any malfunctioning of the Internet network, telephone lines or reception equipment that may prevent the game from running smoothly. In addition, they cannot be held responsible for problems of delivery or loss of electronic or postal mail.
- Disclaim all liability in case of technical failure, anomaly, hardware and software of any kind (virus, bug …) caused on the system of the Participant, their computer equipment and data stored therein and the consequences that may arise on their personal, professional or commercial activity.
The Participants:
- The following are responsible for the conformity of the information transmitted to the Organizer
Article 9 – Conditions of exclusion
Participation in these games implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in these rules without any reservation or precondition on the part of the Participant, failure to comply with the said rules will result in exclusion from the contest, the pure and simple nullity of his participation and the awarding of prizes.
Article 10 – Filing of the rules
All documents are available and accessible in French to any user and Participant during the game. They are asked to make a backup copy and/or print out all the texts so that they can refer to them if necessary.
Article 11 – Participation fees
The game organized by the association HOPE TEAM EAST is open to anyone who makes a minimum donation of 100 €.
Article 12 – Jurisdiction
The present rules are subject to French law.
In the event of a dispute or claim regarding the Contest for any reason whatsoever, requests must be made in writing to the attention of HOPE TEAM EAST by mail to the address mentioned in the preamble, during the Contest Period and no later than sixty (60) days after the Winner is named.
This contest is available by mail and / or present on the website
In the event of a dispute or claim regarding the prize awarded, requests must be made in writing to the attention of HOPE TEAM EAST or by e-mail to within seven (7) days of receipt of the prize confirmation.
The parties shall endeavor to resolve amicably any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of these rules. If the disagreement persists, it will be submitted to the competent courts.
The Participant acknowledges having read these rules, accepting them without reservation and complying with them.
This contest is authorized and registered at the SCP DOMENGE-JUNCA-ESTEFFE-DAUGREILH 3 Rue de Prat 40800 Aire-sur-l’Adour Tél :
For example: by giving 100* euros my donation is divided as follows
*60 € dedicated to the Super Optimist program (sick children) and educational programs of prevention of health sports in schools + 40 € dedicated to the sports, medical and scientific expedition.