Itziar s’est livrée à un exercice difficile. Celui de s’exprimer face caméra et répondre aux questions les plus intimes de Stéphanie Barneix.

 » – Your feeling about this exercice to speak in front of Stéphanie about your « life » your « difficulties » also

It was difficult to talk about my past my life, my dramas,  because it removes my feelings and my past.  But it was easy too because Stéphanie is a really good friend like the big sister, an example for me. 

Do you have learn something thanks to this exercice ?

I realised that little by little and with the support of my family and friends I have been overcoming every challenge that life has put before me.

What is your feeling at one month to leave in Peru ? 

It´s a mix between nerves, fears and desire. 

At the moment what is your state of mind ?

The last few months I have been preparing myself and doing a mental working for the big crossing. Now, one month before I think I’m ready for the challenge.  » Itzi


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